Saturday, March 21, 2020

Conjugating the Italian Verb Mandare

Conjugating the Italian Verb Mandare mandare: to send Regular  first-conjugation Italian verbTransitive verb (takes a  direct object) INDICATIVE/INDICATIVO Presente io mando tu mandi lui, lei, Lei manda noi mandiamo voi mandate loro, Loro mandano Imperfetto io mandavo tu mandavi lui, lei, Lei mandava noi mandavamo voi mandavate loro, Loro mandavano Passato Remoto io mandai tu mandasti lui, lei, Lei mand noi mandammo voi mandaste loro, Loro mandarono Futuro Semplice io mander tu manderai lui, lei, Lei mander noi manderemo voi manderete loro, Loro manderanno Passato Prossimo io ho mandato tu hai mandato lui, lei, Lei ha mandato noi abbiamo mandato voi avete mandato loro, Loro hanno mandato Trapassato Prossimo io avevo mandato tu avevi mandato lui, lei, Lei aveva mandato noi avevamo mandato voi avevate mandato loro, Loro avevano mandato Trapassato Remoto io ebbi mandato tu avesti mandato lui, lei, Lei ebbe mandato noi avemmo mandato voi aveste mandato loro, Loro ebbero mandato Future Anteriore io avr mandato tu avrai mandato lui, lei, Lei avr mandato noi avremo mandato voi avrete mandato loro, Loro avranno mandato SUBJUNCTIVE/CONGIUNTIVO Presente io mandi tu mandi lui, lei, Lei mandi noi mandiamo voi mandiate loro, Loro mandino Imperfetto io mandassi tu mandassi lui, lei, Lei mandasse noi mandassimo voi mandaste loro, Loro mandassero Passato io abbia mandato tu abbia mandato lui, lei, Lei abbia mandato noi abbiamo mandato voi abbiate mandato loro, Loro abbiano mandato Trapassato io avessi mandato tu avessi mandato lui, lei, Lei avesse mandato noi avessimo mandato voi aveste mandato loro, Loro avessero mandato CONDITIONAL/CONDIZIONALE Presente io manderei tu manderesti lui, lei, Lei manderebbe noi manderemmo voi mandereste loro, Loro manderebbero Passato io avrei mandato tu avresti mandato lui, lei, Lei avrebbe mandato noi avremmo mandato voi avreste mandato loro, Loro avrebbero mandato IMPERATIVE/IMPERATIVO Presente - manda, mandi, mandiamo, mandate, mandino INFINITIVE/INFINITO Presente  - mandare Passato - avere mandato PARTICIPLE/PARTICIPIO Presente - mandante ​ Passato  - mandato GERUND/GERUNDIO Presente  - mandando Passato - avendo mandato

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Weird and Interesting Facts About Christmas

Weird and Interesting Facts About Christmas Christmas, besides being a joyful tradition of gift-giving and ham-devouring, has always been pretty weird, right? Like, just in general. How did everyone start celebrating it? Why? Here for your enjoyment we present a few interesting facts about Christmas that you can tell your family around the dinner table and give them a chance to think â€Å"Wow! Cant believe how smart my niece is!† and â€Å"God, do you always have to be the center of attention?† Christmas Wasnt Originally Jesus Birthday â€Å"Christmas† comes from â€Å"Christs mass†, the celebration of Jesus Christs birthday and christening. But did you know that Jesus want born on the 25th of December†? In fact, no one knows when he was born, but we can safely bet that it wasnt December. The clue is in Luke 2:8: the shepherds were â€Å"abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night† when he was born, which couldnt have been in December, since its so cold. Christmas Is an Adapted Holiday So how did Christmas come about? Well, youd be surprised to hear that many Christmas traditions you know have roots in pre-Christian seasonal celebrations. In fact, many traditions, for instance, the gift giving, carolers going from house to house, feasts, and many other traditions come from the Mesopotamian celebrations of the New Year. They held festivities for twelve days to honor one of their gods, Marduk. These festivities were called Zagmuk. By the way, have you already found Christmas gifts for friends and family? There are some Christmas gifts ideas you may like. The Romans Had Something Like Christmas, Too Like Zagmuk, the ancient Romans would hold seasonal festivities of their own. Their holiday was in the beginning of winter, just like ours, and held until approximately the beginning of January. They were celebrating â€Å"The Birth of the Unconquerable Sun†, since its at this time that the duration of the day began to lengthen. Like all pagans, they believed that the Sun was being reborn at this time. As the Christian church gained power and influence, they decided to ban this celebration, but many continued the tradition. The Christian church then decided to co-opt the holiday, and turn it into the celebration of Christ. Some Christians Celebrate Christmas in January In the US, the holidays are over with the New Years celebrations, but there are millions of Christians who celebrate their Xmas on January 7th. The reason here is a calendar mixup: a large part of the western world use the Julian calendar (named after Julius Caesar, who didnt invent it, but loved naming things after himself). The gregorian calendar, which Orthodox Christians use, is shifted, and their â€Å"December 25th† falls squarely on January 7th. Santa Came from Saint Nicholas Youve heard Santa Claus be called Saint Nick, but did you know that he was a real person? And an actual saint? The story of how he became Santa is pretty interesting: in the new world, after the revolution, Americans wanted to depart from British traditions and looked toward their Dutch roots for that. The Knickerbockers (writers, not baseball players) had a huge role in creating Santa – they released a poem titled A Visit from St. Nicholas, which popularized the character, and was later adapted into The Night Before Christmas. Santas name comes from the nickname fro St. Nicholas, Sinter Klaas (Dutch, of course). And lots of other cultures have their own Santa, as well. Werent those Christmas facts both weird and interesting? And theres lots more to find out! Like that Xmas comes from the Greek â€Å"Xristos†. And that Christmas wasnt an official holiday in America until 1870! Finding out about the genealogical anthropology of this holiday is lots of fun, and you can research it on your own to find out more. If you know other interesting facts about Christmas, feel free to add them in the comments! If you get tired from traditional ways to spend Christmas, to check out the unusual things to do for Christmas!